INTERLUDE II Read online

Page 3

  His feet felt as though they were suddenly rooted to the fertile earth, heavy and laden, unable to move. He watched with increasing interest as Luke turned to retrace his steps down the row of vines where he had been picking. He walked with such ease, such grace, given his tall lanky form. His long legs gave way for a long stride, soon bringing him back to the place where he had left off cutting the grape clusters. He resumed his work, a studious look clinging to his handsome chiseled features.

  Charlie stifled a lusty shiver. He’d never met a man that enticed him so. He forced his gaze elsewhere, gazing across the lush green rows of vines gleaming brilliantly in the bright sunshine.

  What if Luke rejected his advances?

  He’d be crushed, perhaps scarred for life. He heaved a heavy sigh. But if he chose not to approach Luke, he’d never know if he would reject him or not. He raised one big hand and combed his fingers through his brown hair. He had never been faced with such a predicament.

  Because I’ve never met anyone like Luke.

  He silently chided himself for hesitating. All his life, he’d been a man of action. Drawing in a deep, reassuring breath, he started down the row of vines where Luke worked, his mind set to confess his feelings for the young man.

  The ground was loose and fragrant underfoot, its earthy aroma rising upward to tease Charlie’s senses. The rows of grapevines were as tall as his shoulders and bushy on either side of him. He felt confined within their cool green embrace. He walked toward Luke, aware that other pickers were in adjacent rows but with the enclosing effect of the vines, overhearing was least likely to be a worry on his part.

  Luke looked up and smiled as Charlie drew near.

  “What brings the boss to the field?”

  “My favorite worker.”

  Luke paused in his work and rose to his feet, putting aside his clippers.

  Charlie gathered his courage. He didn’t pause his feet until he was mere inches from Luke’s muscular body. He could smell his fragrance, a manly scent mixed with sweat and the cleansing aroma of deodorant soap. He could see the inquisitiveness in his dark eyes, a slight puzzlement that mingled with a curiosity that intrigued Charlie. He smiled, understanding Luke’s surprise at seeing him in the vineyard in the middle of the day.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No. I was just overcome with wanting to be near you.”

  A smile broke across Luke’s darkly handsome face. He pulled off his gloves and poked them in one back pocket of his jeans. His body suddenly relaxed, as though the tension had drained from him, leaving relief in its wake.

  Charlie reached one hand to Luke’s shoulder. His grip was firm, purposeful.

  Please don’t reject me.

  Luke heaved a sigh and reached out to Charlie, laying one open palm on his chest. He stepped closer, thrusting one hip against Charlie’s abdomen.

  “I’m so glad to hear you say that. I’ve been lusting after you for months.” He pressed his hip tighter against Charlie’s abdomen, and then brushed his crotch against his. “I get hard every time I look at you.”

  Charlie could hardly believe his ears. He felt his pulse pick up speed, and his prick began to grow hard. He skimmed his hand across Luke’s chest, caressing his muscular body through his sweat-soiled shirt, and lowered his fingers to his crotch. He raked his fingernails across Luke’s fly, bringing a guttural moan from the younger man’s lips.

  “My God, Charlie!” he exclaimed, reaching his hand to unzip his pants. In the next instant he released his zipper and allowed his erection to spring free. “Take my dick in your hand and relieve me of this lust.”

  “We’ve wasted so much time,” Charlie whispered in a hoarse voice. He wound his fingers around Luke’s prick, sighing as he took its heavy weight in his palm. He looked down, feasting his eyes on the stick of flesh he had been dreaming about for such a long time. It was beautiful. Long and thick, with a gorgeous bulbous head. He had just delighted in twining his hot fingers around it when he felt Luke’s hands on the front of his jeans.

  “I want to feel you.”

  He stood still while Luke unzipped his zipper and pulled out his hard prick. The moment he felt his hands on it he sighed so loud he felt the urgency to glance around to see if he had accidentally caught the attentions of any of the nearby workers. Luke began stroking his shaft with eager fingers, making him pull in deep breaths and thrust his hips into his moving hand.

  “This is a dream come true.”

  His voice was soft, caressing. Luke inched closer, his hand busy on Charlie’s dick. His hips thrusting in rhythm to Charlie’s moving hand on his prick.

  “Come with me to Italy.”

  Charlie felt his belly knot, felt the first tingles of orgasm as they shot through his body. He squeezed Luke’s prick in his hand, and closed his eyes against the barrage of climatic sensations as they came full bloom inside him. He squirted white cum across Luke’s clasped fist and onto the shiny green leaves of his beloved grape vines.

  He could hardly keep his fist moving on Luke’s hard prick as the sensations streamed through his insides. He needed the release the orgasm gave him—needed the reassurance of knowing he had not been in error for approaching Luke. He tried to concentrate, tried to focus his attentions on bringing Luke to orgasm, his hand clasping tighter and working faster along his long length, his own satisfaction momentarily put aside.

  He watched the younger man’s face as the orgasm began for him. A series of guttural moans leapt from his full lips as he leaned into his fist and allowed the orgasm to explode within his body. He locked gazes with Charlie, speaking with his eyes what he was wrought to murmur for fear they be discovered.

  Spent, they both stood within inches of each other, their organs clasped, their chests heaving with their labored breathing. White cum lay on their hands, spilled on the dirt between their feet and dotting the leaves of the grapevines.

  “Come to my house with me. There is much we have to share,” Charlie whispered in a low, seductive tone as his hand relaxed and he began to stroke Luke’s flagging member. “Let me love you all afternoon and into the night.”

  Luke squeezed Charlie’s prick. “I’m on the verge of getting hard again.” He reached out one hand and stroked Charlie’s crotch. “I want to stroke every inch of your body. I want to ram my cock inside your asshole and thrust and thrust—I want to proclaim my love for you, Charlie.”

  Charlie’s insides quivered with anticipation. He smiled so broadly he felt his face pain. Of all his fondest wishes, Luke had just managed to hit upon the one impossible dream he had since adulthood—finding a man that would return his love. He couldn’t resist raising a hand and stroking Luke’s bronzed cheek. At long last, it didn’t matter what others thought. He had found his Utopia—his Utopia amidst his beloved grapevines.


  Larry raised the cold beer and took a long drink; his eyes pinned on the new neighbor moving in next door. For an hour he had sat in the hard metal lawn chair, his feet propped up on the picnic table nearby and ogled the man. He liked what he saw; felt his senses come alive as never before.

  He had lived in the house on the cul-de-sac for almost a year, he had seen neighbors come and go, moving in and moving out as though not finding what they were looking for. He had felt the same way when he bought his house—a city boy transplanted to the suburbs. Everything about the area seemed foreign. The neighbors were standoffish, speaking only when they were put in the uncomfortable position of coming face to face with you. He hoped the newest neighbor would be different—and so far, he wasn’t disappointing him.

  He watched as the movers carried living room furniture into the house. Two burley men wrestled with a three piece sectional.

  Who in hell has a sectional these days?

  Larry laughed so hard he nearly spilled his beer. So far the new neighbor had managed to entertain him quite nicely. He looked on as the movers struggled to maneuver the heavy furniture through the front door of the hous
e, not offering to lift a finger to help either of them, though he was holding the door open for them.

  Larry ran his gaze over the new neighbor’s backside. He was tall and well proportioned, with wide shoulders and a tapered waist. He lowered his gaze to his ass. It looked tight, encased in low riding jeans. He felt his prick stir in his crotch. He reached one hand and cupped it, feeling the firmness grow under his palm. He brought the beer he held to his mouth and finished it off, sighing when he swallowed the last tasty gulp. Just as soon as the movers left, he planned to pay his new neighbor a visit to welcome him to the neighborhood.

  And see if he had any interest in fucking.

  He removed his feet from the picnic table and strode to the kitchen for another beer. He liked Saturday, it was the only day of the week he didn’t work. He was a computer programmer and spent long hours glued to the damn computer. Sometimes he wondered why he had chosen the profession—but then he reminded himself of the good income he wrought from the job. He stepped inside the house and retrieved another cold beer from the fridge. Returning to the front porch, he saw his new neighbor had stripped out of his t-shirt.

  A stream of hot lust raced along Larry’s body. The new neighbor looked hot without the benefit of a shirt and he couldn’t help but wonder how he would look with all his clothes stripped away. He twisted the cap off the beer bottle and brought it to his mouth. He chugged half of the brew before pulling it from his mouth. Damn! The new neighbor could prove to be his next project.

  He caught him looking in his direction and for an instant Larry sat up straighter in the lawn chair. Did he know he was watching him? Did he know he was responsible for the growing hard-on in Larry’s crotch?

  He cupped his erection and pressed his palm against its hot length. Glancing round, he was overcome with the urge to unzip and masturbate. He stifled the urge, reminding himself that it was the middle of the day and people were outside. Someone would see him. The thought increased his lust, making him squirm uncomfortably in the lawn chair. He needed his hand around his prick—needed to jack off.

  He left his perch on the front porch suddenly. Returning to the living room, he stood at the window, concealed by the gauzy curtain covering the panes, yet able to view the new neighbor across the lawn; he unzipped his pants. Taking his hard cock in his fist, he began to masturbate.

  Ah, it felt good.

  He thrust his hips, closing his eyes briefly before returning them to the newest member of the community. Once he saw the object of his interest glance toward his house. He grew increasingly aroused with the thought that he knew he had come inside to masturbate.

  Because you made me hard!

  He wanted to scream the words out loud—wanted him to know he was interested in him. Wanted him to know he was just across the expanse of green lawn lusting after him.

  But he controlled his verbal outrage at his new neighbor. He’d be acquainted with him soon enough—once the movers were gone. He increased the speed of his clasped fist on his prick, pumped his hips, thrust his pelvis forward and closed his eyes, lolling his head back on his shoulders as the orgasm began for him.


  His voice echoed around his gyrating body as he held his cock and let loose a white stream of semen that landed on the hardwood floor before his braced feet. He wiggled his ass, thrusting his cock into the tight grasp he held on it, milking it, savoring the final tingles of orgasm, his chest heaving with labored breathing.

  Finished, he pushed his soft prick back inside his fly and zipped up. Eyeing the white cum dotting the floor, he turned to the kitchen for a paper towel to tidy up. His senses were still tingling from the orgasm, his body feeling relaxed and needing to sit. He hurried to wipe up the semen and return to the front porch and the beer he had left on the table.

  The new neighbor was perched atop a packing box near the property line when he returned to the porch and resumed his seat in the lawn chair. He ran his gaze over his bare back, assessing the width of his shoulders and imagining his hands skimming across them. By all accounts, he just knew his skin would feel wonderful beneath his palms. He let an unbridled shiver of lust race across his bare arms as he hoisted the beer bottle to his mouth.

  It’s just a matter of time.

  He smiled as he silently thought about the new neighbor. It would be so nice to have someone of his kind living next door.

  My kind?

  A smirk wreathed his face. Hell. It wasn’t a crime to be gay—to prefer the male body as compared to the female form. He thought back a few years. He had fucked women—had steady girlfriends for months at a time. But he had always felt something was missing from their relationship. Until recently he had been unable to discern what it was.

  He heaved a big sigh. He had his cousin Vinny to thank for making him see the daylight—to admit to himself that the strange feelings he was experiencing when he was around men were more than mere curiosity. He remembered the realization as if it was yesterday—instead of twelve years ago. He had experienced many sexual trysts since then. But none that grew into anything permanent.

  I’m still looking for that special someone.

  Suddenly the sounds of metal doors slamming and the roar of an engine interrupted his thoughts. He turned his head to see the movers leaving his new neighbor’s house. A note of expectancy sprang up inside him. He had waited all day for the men to finish and leave. He swallowed the last of his beer and set the bottle aside. Rising, he combed one hand through his hair, pushing the blond tresses across his shoulder.

  Time to pay my new neighbor a visit!

  He walked across the yard, scanning the surrounding houses and noting that everyone had gone inside—even the new neighbor. But that was to be expected. He probably had a lot of unpacking to do and furniture to place in his new house. He strolled up onto the front porch of the house, noticing the informal setting of wicker settee and glass-topped end table. He shook his head.

  A sectional and wicker furniture?

  Is this guy for real?

  He rang the doorbell and waited, his prick growing hard in his crotch. The thought of finally getting to meet the guy turned him on. He chuckled to himself. Maybe he’d tell him—after they got acquainted—just how hot he had become while watching him move about the yard.

  The door opened suddenly, grabbing Larry’s attention. A bare chest was visible just beyond the screen door. His eyes followed the smooth contour, lowering to a ropy muscled abdomen. He pulled in a quick breath as his eyes were drawn lower on the sculptured male form. His gaze landed on a bushy crotch, then the bobbing motion of a fully engorged male cock!

  “What took you so long?” the new neighbor exclaimed, a wide grin on his face. “I’ve been trying to lure you over here all day.”


  Steve took the sheet of paper out of the typewriter and gathered the other pages of his freelance article. He had successfully completed another magazine assignment. He stretched his aching shoulders, raising his arms above his head and elongating his taut muscles. Sitting at the typewriter for hours had its effects on him—but then the profession of freelance writer was demanding and time consuming. One had to be disciplined—producing numerous articles during the week in order to make a living.

  He left his writing desk and strolled out onto the deck. A light breeze from the ocean lifted the errant blond wisps lying across his forehead. He breathed in deeply, taking the salty scent of the ocean water into his lungs. It was such a refreshing aroma, the tang of the rolling whitecaps, the invigorating aroma of past clambakes along the sandy beach and the fragrant remains of campfires.

  He loved the beach and the ocean. He hated to think of having to leave it all and find a cheaper place to live. He grimaced suddenly; feeling the serenity the surroundings brought to his insides, wane. If his articles didn’t start selling better, he’d be forced to find other accommodations.

  He slid into a lounge chair on the deck and stared at the ocean. The current was s
trong, the whitecaps rolled onto shore with a strength that told of an approaching storm. He raised his eyes and scanned the horizon. Dark clouds were gathering; soon it would rain and drench the area in summertime moisture.

  He had invited Arnold Hayes over for a drink later that evening. He hoped the rain was past by that time. Knowing Arnold, he probably wouldn’t venture out if he thought he’d have to drive in the rain. Professionally, Arnold was an excellent owner and editor of the Hayes Outdoor Life Magazine, but aside from his professionalism, he had little personality.

  He combed a hand through his hair. He had hopes of making friends with Arnold—since his income was directly connected to the magazine. Thinking that if they were personal friends, Arnold might publish more of his freelance articles. It was a long shot. He’d known other freelancers who had tried to be Arnold’s friend and failed, only to end up unemployed.

  The time for Arnold Hayes to arrive drew near and still the clouds gathered across the sky. Steve bit his lip and worried that the editor wouldn’t come because of the approaching storm. His plan would have to be put on hold for another time.

  His phone rang suddenly and when he heard Arnold’s voice on the line, asking for directions to his beach cottage, he suddenly felt giddy. Arousal shot through his insides as he realized his guest would indeed come for the evening. When he hung up the phone, he literally pinched himself just to be certain he hadn’t dreamed the whole episode.

  Steve was ready in plenty of time before Arnold was due to arrive. He had straightened up his office, arranged a neat stack of his latest writings on the corner of his desk, and chilled a bottle of burgundy wine for them to share. He was nervous, sweat popping out on his face and neck in anticipation of their finally coming together.